Sex Crimes

Rape, sexual assault and molestation are some of the violent ways offenders commit these heinous crimes.

Former Suffolk County Police Chief James Burke
A woman speaks into a microphone at a podium outdoors
Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez arrest photo
Court TV logo
The interior of a makeshift cinderblock cell in Klamath Falls, Ore.
Breasia Terrell and Henry Dinkins
Court TV logo
jordan demay
henry dinkins trial
booking photo of Negasi Zuberi
Javier Loya speaks with media
Gary Oliva
Gary Oliva
josh duggar mugshot
Danny Masterson walks out of court with his wife.
Danny Masterson
Josh Sills speaks after verdict.
Josh Sills stands as the verdict is read.
From the Bench with Judge Ashely Willcott
steven dever delivers closing argument